Before and after gay pride meme

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And it’s not just marriage equality he’s speaking out about, but also the “conscience bill” that allows adoption agencies to discriminate against same-sex couples. Robert Sarvis is running for Virginia governor as a Libertarian, and isn’t being shy about his support for marriage equality. Thankfully, the victim wasn’t seriously injured.

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He came to Pride to let the gays know exactly what he thought of him before shooting a man with a BB gun. While I appreciate the support, based on personal experience, I’m not buying it.Ī 20-year-old man is in jail after shooting a man at the St. On a side note, I met him a few times when I was working in Florida, and found him to be a very unpleasant man. He did some image rehab to become an equality supporter after the backlash.

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Hardaway made headlines a few years ago saying that he didn’t like gay people and was homophobic. Tim Hardaway was the first signer of the Florida marriage equality petition. Linda Harvey attends Pride, fears AIDS, David Hasselhoff shills for coffee, Andrew Keenan-Bolger hits the right notes in his skivvies.

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