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Psychological roleplay - like that between a teacher and student or a boss and employee - may also be considered BDSM as it involves an exchange of power. Some people are aroused by light restraint, others by intense physical pain. It can involve tying your partner up, spanking, and an entire spectrum of other behaviors and emotional entanglements. Dominant or submissive sex often involves the consensual assuming and relinquishing of power between those involved. BDSM encompasses many different kinks - often considered atypical sexual practices. Though, rough is not inherently dangerous or abusive.īDSM, which encompasses much of rough sex, stands for bondage, discipline, domination, submission, sadism and masochism. It is often depicted as more passionate than other kinds of sex, but can also be associated with unhealthy abusive sex. Rough sex is a sexual act that is aggressive, animalistic, and perhaps somewhat violent.

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